Enthält die Serien LA und LA.Night.
„(...) A foreigner coming to another country for a limited period of time (Schink spent three months in LA, using a stipend) and then taking photographs is always a bit dangerous: It’s just so tempting to show what you think or expect to find, namely clichés. And there is no shortage of clichés in LA, isn’t there? Hollywood, cars, Venice Beach, sunshine, what have you. Schink’s LA doesn’t have any of that. I showed the book to someone who had lived in LA, and he was mesmerized seeing the city he knew fairly well in such an unusual light. But there’s more. In addition to the large-format views, there are other photographs: Extremely grainy images, taken at night, obviously just small parts of larger images, blown up to large sizes. (...) I was frankly surprised how beautiful many of those images are. (...)“ Joerg Colberg
Salzburg 2004, de/en, mit einem Text von Kai Uwe Schierz, 72 Seiten, 47 Abbildungen, 26 x 30 cm, gebunden.
Die Innenseite des Schutzumschlages zeigt eine der ca. 50 Aufnahmen, aus denen die Motive der Serie LA.Night herausgelöst wurden.
€ 25,00
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- Vollständige Serie
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